
In-Person Training

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  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes a Live In-Person Event on 08/24/2024 at 9:30 AM (MDT)

    In this session, Foster Care Education Subject Matter Experts will share information about educational rights for students in out of home care, the importance of and how foster parents and kinship caregivers can support school stability, and programs that may be available to students in foster care to achieve educational success. The session will include time for case discussion and consultation related to supporting educational outcomes for youth in foster care.

    • Register
      • Foster Parent (Colorado) - Free!
      • CASA - $25
      • Foster Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
      • County/CPA Worker - $25
      • Foster Parent (New Mexico) - Free!
      • Former FP/Adoptive Parent/Not currently fostering - $20
      • Certified Kin Parent (Colorado) - Free!
      • Certified Kin Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
      • Foster Source Staff - Free!
      • Non-certified Kin Parent (Colorado) - Free!
      • Non-certified Kin Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
      • Teacher - $25
      • Speaker - Free!
      • New Mexico Misc. - Free!
    • More Information