What is Reactive Attachment Disorder: An Experiential Point of View (4/30/22) - On Demand

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Recorded On: 04/30/2022

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RAD Advocates will be sharing personal experiences that highlight what living with a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder looks like in the home. They will discuss what families can do to make a difference in the life of a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder. These experiences will be contrasted against some of the definitions and explanations that professionals tend to use when discussing children with attachment issues. Parenting any child who has a traumatic background is difficult. That difficulty is compounded when a child is unable to attach to a parent. Diagnosing R.A.D. can be difficult because children with attachment issues can exhibit a wide range of behaviors. Having an accurate diagnosis and receiving proper treatment is critical. If a child remains undiagnosed or receives ineffective treatment, their disorder can become increasingly worse.  R.A.D. Advocates hopes to provide foster/adoptive parents with more knowledge on identifying R.A.D and finding support. 

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Amy VanTine (Moderator)

Amy VanTine has been a small business owner for over 22 years. Amy has extensive history in working with children in the foster care system as well as children with developmental disabilities. She founded RAD Advocates after facing the challenges of parenting a child with reactive attachment disorder and discovering how challenging it is to find proper help. Amy’s understanding of the needs of her clients, as well as how to effectively and efficiently bring a family plan to fruition, has made this organization a front-runner in bringing awareness and change toward the disorder. Her long-term goal is to bring awareness to the disorder and see a nationwide shift in helping children with this mental illness. 

Heather Houze (Moderator)

Heather Houze has spent 25 years of her career in administrative management and 15 of those years as a small business owner, helping others improve their lives. After reaching out to RAD Advocates for help in getting proper treatment for her own children, she joined the RAD Advocates volunteer team. With her passion for helping others, Heather’s compassion, empathy and organizational skills have been an invaluable asset to the organization.

Beth Cochran (Moderator)

Beth Cochran is a social worker who has advocated for families who have children with special needs and disabilities for the past 22 years, including, but not limited to, adoptive families struggling with severe developmental trauma and attachment concerns. She is also an adoptive mom who has experienced the challenges of parenting a child with reactive attachment disorder. Introduced to Amy by a mutual friend prior to RAD Advocates formation, Amy shared her dreams to create a nonprofit to support adoptive families struggling with RAD and invited Beth to join her.


Recorded 04/30/2022  |  120 minutes
Recorded 04/30/2022  |  120 minutes
9 Questions
2.00 Training Hours credits  |  Certificate available
2.00 Training Hours credits  |  Certificate available