From Blow-up to Bonding: Finding the Balance of Attachment-Focused Discipline - ON DEMAND
- Foster Parent (Colorado) - Free!
- CASA - $25
- Foster Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
- County/CPA Worker - $25
- Foster Parent (New Mexico) - Free!
- Former FP/Adoptive Parent/Not currently fostering - $20
- Certified Kin Parent (Colorado) - Free!
- Certified Kin Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
- Foster Source Staff - Free!
- Non-certified Kin Parent (Colorado) - Free!
- Non-certified Kin Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
- Teacher - $25
- Speaker - Free!
- New Mexico Misc. - Free!
How can you turn moments of struggle into moments of connection? Discover how brain development, implicit memories, and the “6 F’s” (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Friend, Fidget, Flop) can influence your foster or adoptive child’s reactions to traditional methods of discipline, and develop compassionate, creative, and effective strategies for limit-setting and consequences that simultaneously enhance healthy attachment patterns in the child-caregiver relationship. Tools to cope with common struggles will be addressed, including separation anxiety, transitions, homework, aggression, lying, stealing, hoarding, argumentativeness, and sleep anxiety.
Hours earned: 2.0
Feedback from this class: "OMG! Thank you for today's training! I feel like this one is going to be a game-changer in our house. I am planning to print most of those slides so I have an easy reference guide to help navigate challenging behaviors. I really didn't feel like attending this morning but I'm so glad I did - this will be one I think I'll watch over and over to keep reinforcing the learning points!"

Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker (Moderator)
Grow Beyond Words
Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker is a licensed psychologist, international/transracial adoptee of color, and an adoptive parent. She specializes in providing mental health support focused on adoption, trauma, and racial identity work through her private practice based in Denver, Colorado. She is a frequent speaker and trainer at adoption agencies, camps, and conferences throughout the US, and the creator of the National Adoptee-Therapist Directory. She is also the author of “The Adoptee Self-Reflection Journal,” “The Adoptive Parent Self-Reflection Journal,” and the “Adoptees Like Me” illustrated series for elementary readers.