Bases de la salud mental a temprana edad (3/19/2022) - Video por encargo
Recorded On: 03/19/2022
- Foster Parent (Colorado) - Free!
- CASA - $25
- Foster Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
- County/CPA Worker - $25
- Foster Parent (New Mexico) - $20
- Former FP/Adoptive Parent/Not currently fostering - $20
- Certified Kin Parent (Colorado) - Free!
- Certified Kin Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
- Foster Source Staff - Free!
- Non-certified Kin Parent (Colorado) - Free!
- Non-certified Kin Parent (Outside Colorado) - $20
- Teacher - $25
- Speaker - Free!
- New Mexico Misc. - $20
La salud mental a temprana edad desarrolla la capacidad del niño(a) desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años para formar relaciones cercanas, así como manejar y expresar emociones, explorar su entorno y aprender. ¡Únase a esta capacitación para obtener más información sobre por qué esta etapa es tan importante y qué puede hacer para construir una base de salud mental para los más pequeños que durará toda la vida!
TENGA EN CUENTA: Ignore el código de verificación que aparece al final del video. Ya no es necesario.

Karen Wolf (Moderator)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Karen Wolf is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker; born and raised in the Denver metro area. Karen has extensive experience working with children and families who have experienced trauma and has a strong passion for the foster care community. Providing support and education about trauma-informed care, child development, and self-care are essential to making the foster parent experience work in the long term and Karen is dedicated to providing that education and advocating for better pathways to ensuring all foster parents have access to the information they need to foster longer!